10:18 PM | Monday, June 30, 2008
second week of school.
alright,start of second week of school. pretty the same routine,parents send me and steven to school. and start school at 7.30 sing national anthem and back to class. -.-
ohya,daddy went the wrong way today! he was driving towards the expressway! but lucky we were early,so still got time to reach school in time! still pretty early by the time we reach school! lucky man.
first and second periods was english. comp lab for today's lesson! wah,like finally our english class can go comp lab! the first semester,keep seeing miss chiong and miss kumari class keep going,finally our turn! haha,was told to do this english excercise. but standard,who would do it right! haha.
third and fourth periods were chinese. complete another chapter of the textbook. and went through a bit of chinese oral.
fifth period was poa. handed up the homework,miss chee was indeed HAPPY! :D anyway,miss chee thought we had two periods! so she continue her lesson! till finally someone daring enough to tell her it's recess!
so recess was okay! ate a while and had to go for next lesson already! cause didn't have enough time like usual,so had to eat faster a bit!
maths for the next two periods. don't know why this few days very lazy to do the homework miss chua been giving to us. so keeep on playing and making a lot of noise during maths class with wanhao! haha. we disturbed glenden,hahahaha.
chem for the next two periods! thats really boring! what covalent bonds and valenceeee bonds,i catch no balls can! ): i know we learned that like last year or something. buttt chem lessons are like sleeping periods for me. we had in at chem lab! i slept for 20 mins? miss lim woke me up! then i realise joey has been drawing my hands. -.- then when eveytime i fall back asleep,joey continues to draw my hand,he idiot! oh yes,he went super crazy just now. he wanted to tear up human flesh and do super lots of disgusting things on it! he really became JOEYE hahaha. inside joke.
so bio was the last period of the day! joey was continue being his joeye! and mr chandra was pretty fed up with our group! damn noisy! haha.
so finally ended school,but had ss remedial at comp lab immediately after school! wanted to do it my self,butttt too lazy to find answers! so team up with abigail. haha. stella was koping answers when abigail read out the answers!
so went to find jerome they all. but only saw jerome. he went back to find mr tan since he's having maths o level prelims tomorrow. ended up meeting wanhao and jianyi outside school. jianyi left,wanhao and i went back school see anybody kicking soccer or playing basketball.
so play basketball a while with yinghui also,and thn wanhao left. went to find jerome,since he isn't leaving early,went to find miss chee for more poa(: studied at the library! saw white and melody at the library with mr ng! melody keep laughing at me throughout the lesson. haha. it was quite productive,covered more than miss chee wanted to actually! jerome came in halfway,but he left first since he had headache.
headed home after that. fell asleep after i bathe! and slept till 10.15! :D
super good lah jerome they all,can go home so early and come so late tomorrow! super super super good. nvm,next year my turn! haha. alright,blog tomorrow! :D
life's will be good,if you walk by faith with Him.
living in His presence. (:
10:17 PM | Sunday, June 29, 2008
psp day!
woke up late today. turn out mengchao couldn't wake up in time. lucky shaun was on the way to church! haha. so wait for him at yck and headed to church! (: we missed out i think the first few songs,but worship was great! :D sermon was okay. talks a lot into my life. people,do not hurry people or always do things hurrily! must take everything slowly,and do it slowly! cause satan uses hurry to take people away from christ! haha. take your time while doing things! especially when it's time with Him,must enjoy the time spend with Him. (: after service,bused down to amk hub mos for brunch. shaun had craving for mos. HAHA. ohya,we saw paul twohill! he was in the same bus,but got down earlier! damn cool. headed home after eating. (: stayed at home the whole day,psped the whole day actually! haha. from the moment i reached home,till dinnertime! haha. that's quite crazy. school's tomorrow. and n level oral starts tomorrow. i am taking it on thursday! okay,the feelings sucks. maybe english will better than chinese,but it's still equally nerve-wrecking. although it's n level,it's also still very important! haha. okay,i am going to make miss chee damn happy tomorrow,cause i have finished the work she gave me. for the first time,i am handing it up on time. haha. there's ss remedial tomorrow,how boring. alright,blog tomorrow. :D
share a joke or two,maybe i could just laugh off the pain inside.
running away from you.
12:06 AM |
pull and bearrrrr.
stayed at home till 5.30 today. psped and was really feeling very bored.
met up with jerome at khatib and wanhao at amk. headed to orchard! cause they got the 20% voucher to buy the adidas stuffs. sooooo,went with them to look for more. but ended up me and wanhao saw this blue polo teee at pull and bearrrrrr that caught our eyes!
haha. but we decided to go look at other stuffs first before we went to buy it. ate at food republic,the food there really freaking expensive for foodcourt. walked to wheelock and then back to taka. haha.
went to buy the polo teee. haha,i and wanhao went into the changing room together. HAHAHAHAHA. okay,we did nothing excpet changing. lol. so we bought the same blue colour polo teeee! :D
wahlau,third time i had the same stuffs with him! first it's the everlast shoes,second it's the topman jeans,now third the blue polo teee! hahaha. headed to city hall after that.
i suggested them to walk to esplanade since it's been really a long time we went there,but they rejected me. ): lol! sounded damn gay. anyway,our main purpose of going to city hall was because jerome still looking for his watch. walked to marina square.
sat at macs and talked a little while. then continue to walked around to find. then we end up walking to millenia walk! lol. by the time we walked into the building,most of the shops were closed already. we just sit on the bench and rest a while. haha.
when we left,i think got some ndp people taking chartered buses back or something. they were shouting here and there,so wth.
anyway,walked back and trained home after that. (:
yesterday night studying at macs wasn't that productive! but i managed to complete the poa homework that miss chee assigned me! :D haha. everybody have to do the whole of the thick stack of other schools paper. i just need to do the trading account! but sure when she teached me more about other stuffs,sure have to complete that stack bit by bit.
church tomorrow! amk presbyterian church! (: have to be in time for service tomorrow! 9am! haha. last week almost late! haha. alright,i better go sleep early! (:
blog tomorrow! :D
i can sense that you know whats in my mind already.
maybe you don't.
7:19 PM | Friday, June 27, 2008
knights trg was awesome.
haven't been blogging for the past two days. just simply exhausted since the school reopens.
reached school and we sang the national anthem for two or three timesssss. wth. but chapel was awesome! worship was great! :D
lessons were alright. stayed back after school for miss chee poa remedial cause didn't do holiday homework for that. it was really boring. i was like keep looking at my watch hoping for the time to passs faster.
anyway,went to find jerome,wanhao,shermin and tim at amk macs.
ate and then headed to amk mos to study. i was sleeping though,cause i was really very tired and i didn't want to fall asleep during tution either. left around 5.15 with wanhao,headed to tution. it was quite okay,completed the syllabus and now it's going to be practicing other school prelims papers!
headed home after that.
school was alright. lesson are as usual. miss chong said she and mrs pow saw me at bishan yesterday night. lol. guess when i was heading to tution or something!
didn't had poa! felt so goood. hahaa.
but in the end still had to stayed back after school for the poa remedial cause of the holiday homework,cause we had to stayed back from tuesday to friday. it was also very boring.
waited for jerome,wanhao,jianyi and glenden for their o level chinese oral. they came out with the freaked out face. they said it was scary and it was very nerve wrecking. hope they would do well! (:
headed to market to have late lunch and headed home.
met khai around 6 at yishun. trained to bedok for trg at ping yi! went to buy burger king,had to wait damn long.
cause their cashier machine shut down suddenly. nice one man. so was lost in bedok! until we finally ask people about the nearest taxi stand. so cabbed down to ping yi. reached around 8.30! when we actually supposed to start trg at 8! hahaa. trg was productive somehow. haha.
div 2 starts next week! changed of timing. haha. and the venue is tampines sports hall! i am so going to watch the first match next week! :D
then took 222 to bedok interchange. and took 854 to yishun interchange. thought it would be a damn long trip,but after all it was less than a hour! still quite okay! and trained home from there.
really really really worn out yesterday night,watched tv a while and fell asleep already!
almost late today! didn't pack my stuffs last night,cause was really feeling damn tired. and brother took damn long to get out of the house! prayed to God! :D anyway,bio was rather fine,continued to do more worksheet and actually we are doing papers of n level. coool. was feeling very tired throughout bio.
slept all the way during english,couldn't take it anymore. really very tired. and my english oral is next thursday if i am not wrong. i am the last person taking it. how cool.
means if the people who are in front of me,are damn good in english oral,then i have to pray hard,the teacher is nice. haha.
had poa after that,had a small test for the last ten mins. my mind was blank throughout,anyway copied a bit of joey's and abigail's answer and handed up. but i wasn't planning to do either.
recess was okay. had chinese after that. copied abigail's worksheet during poa. hahaha,i will never copy from her anymore. haha.
assembly was boring. knew it lah,first week of school,assembly was principal talk. and had this couple came and talked to us. keep standing up and down.
4NA and 3A i think were told to stayed back,cause some of them were sitting in other classes.
saw smartie pie at canteen after assembly. (:
headed to j8 for lunch after school with jerome,wanhao and glenden. had long john. went to royal sporting house,saw this lacoste shoe on sale and it's freaking nice! but i saw the blue colour logo one at taka's stadium shop before. but the red colour logo one was equally coool. headed to adidas since wanhao and jerome got the 20 % vouchers from seahhan.
saw this adidas shoe also damn nice! can consider buying either the lacoste or this shoe,though lacoste one have more choice! haha. glenden went home,while we three headed back to school for our photoshoot!
changed and our photographer was mr steven ong. wahhhh,mdm jaafar told me it was professional modelling photographer. coool. went to the basketball court to take photos. my shoelace snapped halfway. i think i going to the adidas shop to see whether i got warranty or something.
left the guys and went to find miss chee. she ask me to find her so that she can give me one on one remedial. how coool. she choose today. but it was quite productive! (: haha.
i am going to work so hard to really do well in n's. seriously,i have this sudden urge to stayback in school and ask all my subject teachers to teach me! haha. headed home after that.
going to meet shermin and jerome soon to study at khatib macs. 8-11. feeling tired,but finally i can actually rest tomorrow. saturday it is. guess i am going to the adidas shop tomorrow or something. but wanhao just messaged me,ask me to go kick soccer tomorrow,sure morning.
haha,don't know lah! if i am not tired,shall blog later! haha. alright! blog later or tomorrow! :D
i really hope to talk to you again.
let it go,it's such a difficult thing.
11:28 PM | Tuesday, June 24, 2008
no trg):
school was relatively boring as usual. had hair check today. haha,a lot of people were caught by teachers,but all ran away. but mengchao went to the barber. damn suay,here's the picture of his new fringe!

haha! cool right! anyway,english were okay. cause time was taken much by assembly. then had geog. mr lau took over,did some mapwork and talked throughout the lesson. then had ss,as predicted,mdm loo scold the shit out of us.
haha. she asked us to go back home and complete by 12 am! lucky she give us chance. haha. finish it already! (:
then had recess. chem was sleeping period for me again! but slept 5 mins! but it felt i slept for 20 mins? haha. yeah.
then had poa. double boring period. but i did the work that miss chee ask us to discuss with our partner beside us! discuss well with wilson! haha,quite productive! haha. and miss chee ask me to see her on one of the evening! weird! haha.
then had mother tongue,oral practice. lucky chinese oral is on 10plus july! phew! this week is o level! then english is next monday. but i am feeling rather confident for english! :D hahaha.
then had maths,did work on probaility!
after that headed to hall,there's volleyball. so no trg! and mdm jaafar said the volleyball nationals is going to last till july2. then we can peacefully have trg. haha. but the club trg comes first. october 11 that week,after our n level! (:
so headed to amk sumo house for lunch with jerome,wanhao,jianyi,mengchao and glenden! (:
after lunch,jianyi and glenden headed home,while the rest of us went to amk hub mos to study! haha. another hardcore studying session! :D did maths! and crap all the way! (:
after that mengchao went to take the bus at the interchange,and we three went to walk around. saw bestf and her friend! haha. wanhao went to the bus stop to take bus,me and jerome trained home.
alright,it's double periods day tomorrow! only chem is not double period for tomorrow. and poa is double periods,okay i am sensing boredness already. chinese remedial after school,and for sure staying back to complete poa holiday homework with miss chee. how nice. and tution would specifically killed off my pretty much full of studying day tomorrow. BORING.
alright,guess i shall go sleep. i am tired. blog tomorrow! :D
i wish those footsteps would stop coming,
no more calls,no more messages,no more anything.
10:14 PM | Monday, June 23, 2008
school reopens.
okay. started off the day well. wore contacts to school today. (:
i think i shall get used of wearing it. haha,so i won't be such a sua ku of using a lot of time to wear it.
anyway,dad drove me and steven to school. saw white! in the morning at the traffic light! (:
haha. school was finally back to the lively type,compared to the one after mid-years. it was totally dead.
so lessons were as usual. english and chinese were alright. poa standard,tomorrow two periods of poa-.- boring lesson.
the canteen tables changed already man. like we are either facing or back facing the stalls,now we are sideway facing them. cool.
maths were great. completed standard deviation work with wanhao,few mins after the lesson ended. woohoo. slept during chem,i tried to control,but was feeling rather sleepy. bio was boring,but did worksheet.
school ended just like that. haha. cool shit. there will be much more boring lessons. geog and ss. i am scared of ss,cause i didn't hand up the online assignment,and i am very sure mdm loo is going to scold the shit out of most of us.
but ss one period! so hope the period pass fast. but there's a happy thing to look forward to! trg after school tomorrow! haha. but it's going to be boring,the sec twos are not going to be there,cause of their ndp,means lesser people playing. so boring! no keeper either! but i shall enjoy playing. (:
anyway,went to chongpang to cut hair with jerome. i just cut my behind and side,not really much difference. haha. headed to northpoint to eat. saw white,bernice,julia at kfc and aizhen,esther and grace i think, at swensens! ohya,it's aizhen birthday today! haha,HAPPY BIRTHDAY AIZHEN!
went to foodcourt for lunch. white and julia came and find us,but then we were seperated cause we walked too fast and they wanted to take the bus-.-
haha. headed home after that. slept all the way till 7 plus,8.
damn,italy lose on penalties. how unlucky isn't it! means no matter what,i am going to lose to bestf. even if i win the semis and final bets,i still lose to her by 3! damndamndamn. how unlucky. haha.
alright,i shall get used to reaching home early this few months. haha. yeah.
i guess i shall go pack my stuffs and study a little and head to bed. if not i will be sleeping in class tomorrow. blog tomorrow! :D
hope you would stand under that tree every morning,
won't give up,won't give up.
10:28 PM | Sunday, June 22, 2008
sentosa! east knights trg!
met up with bestf at sembawang,she want to pass me the letter! :D met up with jerome and shermin at khatib. saw shermin on the train there. ate at superdog once we reach vivo. withdrawed money and headed to sentosa! :D while waiting for the monorail,there's this bunch of guys. one of them was holding a volleyball. haha,suddenly the volleyball exploded! damn funny! an angmoh shouted wow. haha! the guys were damn paiseh man! haha. anyway,headed to siloso beach first. there's this volleyball contest and some cleo photoshoot. hahaha. suntanned at quite end of siloso beach! the sun was super bright and sunny! :D left around 3.15. realise the cleo photoshoot there,got free turkyturky! haha. but wasn't interested. anyway,went to palawan that side the toilet and bathe. the toilet bigger ah. took bus out,and headed to yio chu kang. went to yio chu kang stadium to watch the rugby match between blacks and scc! the match was already playing halfway when we reached. kind of boring. but the whole rugby thing was damn cool. in the end,blacks won 17-15. cause earlier on scc missed a penalty after their try. haha,freaking coool! PICTURES! (:

after match,


blacks thanking their fans.

scc getting their medals,

team scc!

blacks collecting their medals,

blacks,the champions of under-20 mastercard rugby league!
anyway,after the match,went to market to have dinner. saw some familiar faces. haha. headed home after that. very tired!
met up with jerome and mengchao at yck at 8.55! haha. went to our school church! service was alright,sermon was interesting! i am going to fast for tomorrow till wednesday! but i am fasting one meal tomorrow and then slowly increase! haha. God will give me the strength! (: went to market for breakfast and headed home. packed my trg stuffs and headed out again. met khai at yishun and syaiful at khatib. headed to city hall to meet imran. met up with him on the train. haha. trained to kallang,and took 11 there. went to macs and bought takeaway,and headed to valhall. ate and started trg! :D trg was alright,not much people attended and the teamlist was kind of out after trg. only a few new players were selected! haha. but imran and syaiful didn't get in. not really sure about khai. haha,hope he gets in. wah,the new zone stick and the most expensive stick in the world,costs 380! wow. think the innebandy melissa was selected to try out that stick. wahhhh. the design is damn cool. anyway,next trg will be on thursday night? but to confirm about the venue. haha. going to train with them again i guess. went to macs and watch them eat. haha. imran treated me one burger though! thanks! (: four bites of double cheeseburger! haha. walked to kallang mrt. on the way,saw this green lamborgini! wooohooo. super nice! all the car drivers who stopped at the traffic light,couldn't stop looking at the car. haha. trained to raffles place and trained all the way to amk. met jerome and headed to s11 for dinner! headed home after that. damn,russia won netherlands 3-1 on extra time yesterday! wah,the 2nd place team of all the group,qualifies for the semis! so italy will win spain tonight! and means i owe bestf 5 chocolates already! wahhhhh. go italy(for once,cause i never like italy.)! so germany,turkey and russia qualifies for the semis. looks like a superb semis is on the way! hope russia or turkey win the tournament as underdogs basis! school reopens tomorrow. how fast this june holidays have fly pasts. n level prelims is going to start. then n level start. kind of feeling the stress now. just hope all will be fine! (: let's pray school will be alright tomorrow. blog tomorrow! :D
when winter comes,
let time flies,soon you will regret.
12:13 AM | Saturday, June 21, 2008
fish and co!
yesterday swimming was kind tiring and there's no sun! haha. met up with khai after swimming and two of his friends. they went for trial while i went for trg to join them and play around! haha. ate at city's hall long john and took 16 to valhall. new and old players were there. haha,several were shocked that i and jerome were not joinning them this season. sorry guys! but trg was great! enjoyed! (: dad and mum came and fetch me after trg. today woke up around 11.30! slept at 4 last night! haha. wahlau,watch until half time! germany 2-1portugal! hahaha. anyway,met jerome at the swimming pool today. he was already suntanning nicely! haha. wooo,the sun today was really damn bright and sunny! haha,yay! tannnnned! anyway,walked to khatib and waited for jerome at khatib macs. headed to amk hub mos to study. shermin came and find us after a while. stayed there till 8. went to meet mum. the queue for fish and co at amk hub was freaking long! so dad came and fetched us after he fetched my brother from tution. went to dhoby ghaut's one instead. near the parkmall there. woooo,pictures!

mum's fish and chips!

dad's new york fish and chips!

mermaid freeze!

my brother was playing with the some flag by fish and co. lol.

my seafood platter for two with a little bit sharing with my dad!
forget to take my brother seafood platter for one! cause,his meal came last and took very long before he can finally eat. haha. anyway,got live band. damn cool. headed home after that! enjoyed today! :D yay! smartie pie passed her two-star! congrats! :D okay,today cause shermin got something on thats why never go sentosa. we changed it to tomorrow! haha. then after sentosa going to yck and watch rugby match at yck stadium! haha. 5pm! wooo. school reopening in two more days. rah,should i cut my hair? haha. anyway,i can't wait for sunday afternoon's trg! tonight turkey shall win(though croatia is defintely much more better)! cause of my bet with bestf! alright,blog tomorrow! :D
i have lost track of time,
you and i know what it is.
12:02 PM | Thursday, June 19, 2008
NYP friendly.
yesterday woke up around 10. bathed and went out around 11.30! went out early,cause didn't want to be late. haha. went to buy kfc takeaway and headed yck mrt to meet the peeps. was one of the earliest! walked to nyp foodcourt,andrew they all want to have lunch there first. -.- headed to the sports hall. wooo,friendly was okay only,probably is our first match,so the team didn't kind of gel together. haha. but did great! we won! haha. forget the score though. bathed and ate at nyp macs. headed to tution after that,late again as the match ended late. cover finish the topics already. went to the DISC guy barbeqcue. haha. okay,spend the time at his house instead. talked alot about God. and yeah,i accepted christ. (: left around 10 plus,joey parents gave me and abigail a lift home. i am going to slowly believeing in God.(: i think later going to swimming with jerome before going to knights trg at valhall! can't wait for trg! :D tomorrow sentosa! yay! haha. alright,i shall go prepare my trg stuffs now. if i am not tired,i shall blog tonight! :D
i believe.
nothing means more than you.
11:03 PM | Tuesday, June 17, 2008
kungfu panda!
stayed at home the whole day! freaking bored. haha,but time past fast. and turkey won czech 3-2! haha. portugal lose 2-0 to swiss. wth! haha. woo,my bets were all spot on! :D bestf! hahhaaa.
slept at six in the morning and woke up at 11! haha. watched soccer throughout the whole morning! croatia won poland 1-0! wah,the reserves did great against poland! yay! win this bet with bestf! :D but lose the next one! germany won austria 1-0! damn! thought austria would win! haha. anyway,met up with jerome,white! and jianyi to watch kungfu panda! haha. i know it's been out quite some time,now then watch kind of slow! haha,but the show was just okay i think? children would like/love it! haha. but it was really very funny! hahaha. 3/5 stars! haha. went in 10 mins late! cause we were fantasize by the xbox at the adidas shop! haha. anyway,walked to ps,jianyi left us. after a while,decided to go orchard to have dinner and walked around. had dinner at kfc,and headed to paragon. walked around markeplace and toysrus. haha. headed home after that! woo,tomorrow having friendly with nyp! and thursday having trg with knights! haha,maybe friday or saturday sentosa? if saturday,sentosa,then maybe friday kayak? haha! coool. what a way to end the last week of holidays! rah,there's tution tomorrow after trg.): bored. i really super don't look forward to school reopen mannnnnn. haha. i wish i had another one or two weeks of holidays. but nvm lah,just hope n levels will hurry finish. then can enjoy the rest of this year! and next year will be tormenting mannnn! haha. alright,blog tomorrow! :D
how i wish i am yours,
bestf! yesterday too lazy to blog. haha,also nothing much to blog either! hope you are doing well in camp! you are coming back tomorrow already! :D
this time round,it means more than the one years ago.
9:34 PM | Monday, June 16, 2008
mengchao asked me do it,since i am bored i shall do it. haha.
A) people who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs.
B) tag 8 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. these people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. continue this game by sending it to other people.
#1 if your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?-move on with life. since the other party is not worth you to be with.
#2 if you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?-to have a happy life and everything that i do can go on smoothly.
#3 what will your dream wedding be like?-have a nice photoshoot and enjoy the best day of my life with my love one.
#4 are you confused as to what lies ahead of you?-kind of,cause i don't know how life is ahead. i am scared too,you never know what will happen tomorrow.
#5 what's your ideal lover like?-nice,caring and lovely. haha.
#6 which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?-being loved. loving someone is mostly painful.
#7 How long do you intend to wait for someone u really love?-forever.
#8 if the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?-make sure she is happy. be really close friends with her.
#9 is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?-yup,certainly.
#10 is being tagged fun?-haha,quite okay. since i am bored now. haha.
#11 how do you see yourself in ten years time?-i got no idea,probably working and being an sportsperson?
#12 who are currently the most important people to you?-God,family,friends.
#13 what kind of person do you think the one who tagged you is?-haha,nice and weird!
#14 would you rather be single & rich or married but poor?-married but poor. when you are old,having a partner with you is still the best.
#15 what's the first thing you do every morning?-look out to the sun? haha.
#16 would you give all in a relationship?-Yes.
#17 if you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?-it isn't love anymore.
#18 what type of friends do you like?- Friends who i can depend on,friends who knows you inside out are true friends.
#19 what type of friends do you dislike?-friends who i can't trust long and friends that i only know for a minute.
the next eight person-white!,jerome,abigail,jianyi,jiani,bestf,shaun,shermin.
11:07 PM | Sunday, June 15, 2008
amazing race,adidas watch! wooo!
did nothing much,stayed at home. haha. at night went to swensens to celebrate my brother birthday! wooohoooo! damn happy! and bought two giordiano polo. haha. the days was still pretty alright. ohya,i woke up at 1.25! very long since i last woke up so late!
met white and jerome at yck bus stop. took 852 and headed to white's and jianyi church! was earlier then jianyi and clarice! haha. amazing race was really really really fun! :D go read white's blog! she blog full details! haha. and white! take good care of your hands! go see the doctor! anyway,ate at some korean restaurant at some nearby shopping mall. and the church gave us the amazing race sticker! the amazing race youth impact edition! haha,damn funny! reached home,wanted to catch the both matches,but watch for less than a minute,i felt damn tired already! haha. fell asleep!
kind of woke up at 5am,but woke up to switch on the aircon. was way damn hot throughout the night. haha. fell back asleep almost immediately! met jerome around 3.30 at khtaib. headed to city hall. saw this transsexual old man wearing a super nice brown colour dress with a super nice botak hairstyle and nice shades! haha. went to eat at marina square burger king first. then headed to suntec city's it fair! haha. so many people lah! crazy man! saw two of my cousins there! zoe and angelina! haha. saw one of our school grads working for canon also. the apple imacs was really coool. ohya! when we were walking inside the covention hall that time,a girl who gives out flyer which wear until like a showgirl walk towards jerome,smile and say thank you and gave him a flyer! hahaha! jerome super happy! headed to carrefour to look for fbt singlets and headed home! :D jerome got the picture of the transsexual guy! damn funny! will post it up once i get it from him! jerome went to novena to meet his family for father's day dinner. while i headed to yishun taste of thailand to booked place. the person say must wait for 1 hour-.- damn freaking long! so met up with family and headed to some amk coffee shop for dinner! dinner was great! crabs! :D had cravings for crabs! super long never eat already! then headed to hub! brother bought mattress! cause my cousin came over to stay tonight again! haha. and mummy bought me a dark green adidas watch! i love you mummmy! wooooohoooo! damn damn damn damn damn freaking happy! yay! :D headed home after that. was super uncomfortable during the car ride back! the mattress took up a lot of the space-.- haha. next monday school reopening already. n level oral is on saturday. wow. what a nice start to school reopening. anyway,ahhhhh why must villa score on 92nd minute! damn man. but russia won! :D haha. and tonight swiss is going to win portugal! and turkey is going to win czech! haha. because of my bets with bestf! :D anyway,bestf going camp tomorrow! ): next week is going to be so bored. haha. alright,match starting! blog tomorrow! :D
tonight was really nice,even though it's just 10-15 mins of msn chatting,
i really want to tell you everything in my mind now.
10:35 PM | Thursday, June 12, 2008
studying day.
been ages since i really studied since exams ended till now except for tution. haha. anyway,was studying the whole day today,okay,not really the whole day. haha. the earlier part till evening. haha. woke up at 8,met white at yck! bused to amk library! (: just nice we reach there,the library just open. haha. went in and luckily it was a weekday,so there were quite a few empty tables. studied all the way till 1.45! completed the maths holiday homework that miss chua gave us and did revision on some sec one and two work! :D after that,white went to meet her friend at amk hub,i headed to bishan mos to meet jerome and shermin to continue studying. reached there and ate. studied a little and left for tution. tution was alright. went to find them again after tution,but had enough doing work for the day,so waited for them to finish and bought food and headed home! they had this cheeseburger war,damn lame one okay. haha. and actually i was to blame? hahaha! don't care! alright,tomorrow's my brother birthday! haha. having dinner with family at night! then saturday is jianyi and white's church amazing race! wanhao's going! finally,going out with him again,after so long. hahahahaha. then sunday kayaking? ahhhhh. i don't know whether should i go,30 bucks for one whole day. quite a sum uh. tonight is germany vs croatia! croatia will win! hahaha,quite crap. germany on form lah,haha. austria vs poland! sure poland win! but austria got quite a strong defence! tough bet,shall go with a draw! haha. don't know lah! alright,shall go get ready for tonight's match! blog tomorrow! :D
long way to the nearest stop,
just making everything difficult.
11:17 PM | Wednesday, June 11, 2008
tired day!
haha,i watched the sweden and greece match,halfway couldn't take it,just fell asleep on the sofa. slept till 6 in the morning,then my grandfather woke me up! haha. damn cool,i didn't off my comp also! haha. woke up at 11 this morning. watched the second half of the match. yay! sweden won 2-0! wooooo. tonight czech and portugal! go czech! haha. cause i bet on czech with bestf! :D and go swiss! anyway,packed my stuffs and lef the house around 12.30 for trg. bought kfc and waited for jerome at khatib. he reached the mrt and he forget to bring his ez link card! so headed to school myself. late for trg. haha. but very little turn up for today's trg. but trg was quite okay. there's some church camp held in school. coool. didn't saw pig! haha. after trg,bathed and shermin came to find us. saw white and cecilia in school. they were studying sia! haha. went to bubbletea to slack there for a while. supposed to have tution! but because shermin ask me and jerome to have dinner together,so changed it to tomorrow. anyway,we didn't know where to go at first,so trained all the way to marina bay and in the end decided to walk around at orchard. went to wheelock and some forum shopping mall. haha,there's a toyrsus there,shermin bought some water bottle that have some freezer storage thing,but the bottle looks damn kiddy sia! haha. anyway,headed to yishun to the thai restaurant for dinner! saw jack and chunfu at yishun while on the way there. haha. waited very long before we got our seats! ate and headed home after that. very tired man. i am going to watch the czech match and sleep already. don't think i can tahan watching the 2.45 match. alright,i guess i go get ready to watch the czech match already! ohya,pig's back from camp! blog tomorrow! :D
i just hope i can continue on like this,
summer sunshine,
2:23 AM |
actually supposed to revise work,but bored was the word. so accompanied white to dhoby ghaut to buy her wallet. walked around the super duper boring plaza sing,and headed to mos to slack and chat for a while. after that headed home. the night was boring. but netherlands won! :D 3-0! woke up at 4 to watch! thanks jerome,bestf for the wake up calls! though i woke up on my own. haha. and white for the message! (: and france drew 0-0 with romania. lucky i never watch that match,jerome said it was boring. wow,means romania quite strong. haha. ohya,small pig is in camp till wednesday! hope she does well and get promoted! goodluck!
thought would have to stay at home till 6.30. haha,in the end headed to the swimming pool with jerome at yishun. met him around 2.45. wow,a bunch of croquette men were at the pool today. interesting. starting the sky wasn't that sunny. half an hour after we were in the pool,the sun became really hot! so suntanned with jerome! woohooooo! darker now! :D swam till 4.15. bathed and headed to the standard makan place after swimming! the chicken rice behind the yishun interchange! woooooo! ate a lot! haha. damn freaking hungry. so headed home and bathed and rushed out! wahlau,in the end i was the earliest! lol. due to the overcrowding of the train,i became the last to reach woodlands. okay,some confusion. haha. anyway,met up with white,bestf and bestf's brother! white brought breadtalk and took 169 to RP! super lots of PHS and non-PHS people who going the concert. haha. a lot of people buy flowers sia. haha. sit at the middle of the concert hall! the concert was standard,you guys know it,boring again. though a little bit amusing then RAZZMATAZZ two years ago. just enjoyed more then the two years ago one. haha,joshua was...... i've got no comments. haha. super cool manzxz girl did great for the concert! the super hyper-cannot stop moving-active girl! hahahahaha. saw a lot of teachers toooo,miss chua,mdm loo,miss lim,mr sim and family and a lot! and mrs tan was israel so she couldn't join in the concert,but they somehow recorded her voice,and played. wah,i think it's much much much nicer then the one she sings two years ago! mdm lee joined in too. overall,the concert was okay lah. haha. anyway,ate dinner with the backstage crew! jasper,davis they all at civic plaza macs. we were lucky enough to buy our dinner just in time before they close! haha. a lot of people arrived late and they closed! left around 12! headed home after that. there's trg tomorrow and tution after that. and i am very sure i will be damn tired during tution like how i was last week. almost fell asleep while tution teacher was teaching. okay,just hope tomorrow trg will be a productive one. and SPAIN WON RUSSIA 4-1! nothing to be happy about,cause i just lose a bet to bestf. i bet on russia,wtf. haha. i like to bet on underdogs! and so sweden will win greece for the 2.45 match. whatever,it's just the opening matches of euro 2008. so it don't really matters whether i lose in the bets a not! haha. alright,i shall go watch the 2.45 match now. blog tomorrow! :D
i think i just fallen into someone else heart. i don't know.
i just need that little bit more of time.
9:46 PM | Sunday, June 08, 2008
yesterday and today were the kayaking course! it's uber fun! haha. really really really enjoyed myself out there! yesterday did all the fundamentals! j draw was damn hard! but today did better! classical draw is quite hard too! but rescue and capsize drills are the best! super fun! hahaha. but entirely enjoyed ourselves. attended the course with jerome,shaun,jasper and mengchao! together with some other outside people. the instructors were damn cool,royston and clara! haha. kayaked at pasir ris park! haha. fun but very tiring! haha. next week maybe kayaking with the ncc people! but not sure whether going a not! haha. i want to get two-start,quite fun! got more rescue and capsize! but it's the toughest part of all! hahahaha. anyway,yesterday after the course headed to changi airport for dinner! ate popeye! was okay only! last time i ate that,was super nice,but this time like not really nice already. anyway,walk around terminal 1 and 3! haha. headed home after that. today after course,got certificate! haha. they wanted to hold the cert wherever they go,so that everybody will know! wth man! haha. jasper dad send us to tampines mrt and headed to city hall for dinner! mos for dinner! haha. their apple pie changed already. but i think this time nicer,compared to last time. shaun left us,went to walk around marina square and headed home! :D enjoy this weekend super nicely! tomorrow guess i am staying at home to do more revision? maybe! haha,tuesday phs arise shine concert! woo,damn cool. hahaha. okay,tonight croatia vs austria! and also germany vs i forget the team name! haha. alright,i go rest first then later watch! :D blog tomorrow! :D
when life is actually used to enjoy and have fun.
10:22 PM | Friday, June 06, 2008
zara polo!
was thinking about a lot of stuffs when i woke up today. watched tv and completed my tution work! :D haha. went out around 6 to taka to collect my polo teee! (: saw another shirt,was having difficulties deciding lah! bestf met up with me halfway! in the end,chose the polo tee. yay! i am going to wear either that or another lacoste polo for the concert i think. anyway,ate kfc for dinner and headed home! grandparents and brother just cameback from malaysia! haha. my brother almost got me a real manu jersey! don't have my size only! damn! he got himself a liverpool one! aaaahhhhhhhhhh. anyway,kayaking tomorrow! it will be damn fun i guesss! hope it won't be that scary when capsizing in the middle of the sea! haha. alright,i shall go rest early! meeting them at 9.15 at pasir ris tomorrow! freaking early! blog tomorrow! :D
not even a little disturbance would make me change my mind,i won't give up right now.
12:05 AM |
very tired!
woke up at 8,to see my grandparents and brother leave the house. my uncle bringing them for malaysia till friday. so the house was damn empty. dad and mum left work very early,so was staying at home alone after they left. couldn't fall back asleep after that. so tv-ed all the way till 12. got ready and left for trg. asked jerome to help me buy macs,reached school had volleyball,so waited a while. trg was okay? yeah,very tiring though. bathed and went market for late lunch. went tution after that,was late for it. cause trg ended late! anyway,learned standard deviation. actually quite cool,maybe i shall practiced that on friday! since friday i can rest and maybe i shall do some revision as what i promised smartie pie uh! haha. dad and mum came and fetched me after tution,went home while they went for dinner. came home,onlined for a while,and then fell asleep! was veryveryvery tired. slept all the way till 1.45 like that to reply msges! haha. then fell back asleep!
woke up at 10 today. slept for almost 12 hours! very long never slept for long hours already! haha. didn't went to poa remedial,stomachache in the morning! wasn't very keen either to go for remedial. was very tired. but felt better and headed to meet jerome,wanhao,white and aizhen. met aizhen at orchard first,waited for the rest as jerome and wanhao needed to do their corrections cause they were late. lol. so went to food republic at wisma for lunch! sorry ah wanhao,your bag kanna the sauce! haha. headed to cine,bought tickets for narnia! sat down at some seats upstairs and waited a while and bought food before going into the cinema! haha. waited damn long before we were allowed inside the cinema. a lot of people waiting outside to go in! haha. the show was quite okay! somehow the same storyline as the first one! aslan always come out at the last part to save the day. haha. i think the prince caspian was quite handsome lah,latin american! haha. he had a strong spanish accent! and the wwe hornswoggle was acting! didn't really realise till jerome mentioned! haha. okay,3.5/5 for this movie. also don't really worth weekend price! provided you never watch the first part! then would kind of don't understand the starting also! haha,worth it because of long hours! 2 hours plus! yup. then headed to city hall! wanhao left. walked around marina square. reserved the zara polo tee! :D must go taka collect by the end of tomorrow. cool. and i think i buying the lacoste polo also! haha. aizhen left,so the three of us went to long john(jerome's hated place) to eat. headed home after that. very tired this few days! tomorrow,i want to practice my standard deviation and do some of the maths holiday homework! i think i am going to collect the polo tee around evening? depends! alright,blog tomorrow! :D
i rather enjoy life now like that. it's so better off like that.
a day without you.
11:04 PM | Tuesday, June 03, 2008
made of honor!
woke up around 11 plus today. headed to school at around 12,when i reached there,yanhua they all were about to leave already! cause miss chee wasn't there. tunr out that she was having a small meeting with mrs tan and mdm lee. wth. wasted my time there. anyway,headed home a while. met bestf at yio chu kang! haha. headed to dhoby ghaut! went to plaza sing mos for lunch! :D white join us when we were about to eat finish. went to cathay to buy tickets! wanted to watch narnia,but white is watching tomorrow so watch made of honor! i know this movie came out quite some time already,now then watch,quite slow! but heck! haha. headed to ben and jerry and killed time there till 5! haha. they were practically amused by the handsome guy sitting beside us! even got take pictures of him! haha. headed to the movie theatre after that. the movie was very funny! haha. and quite touching at the end,someone cried ah! haha. i think worth the money for weekdays! not for weekend price! a bit too costly! haha. 3/5 stars! haha. alright,headed back to plaza sing for dinner,had a hard time deciding the place! ate carl junior in the end. headed home after that! had a good time today. YES! tomorrow's trg day! nowadays,i can't wait for wednesday again! i remember last year,about this timing,i and jerome were having quite intensive trgs with east knights,lots of friendlies and stuffs. haha,now is team pussies. aha! thursday is movie day again! friday will be day to rest,before the tiring yet fun part starts on saturday and sunday! haha,kayaking! :D alright,two days of the week has past,how fast isn't it. alright,blog tomorrow! :D
i think i like you. a really strong feeling.
i have never felt this way before,seriously never.
10:14 PM | Monday, June 02, 2008
pulau ubin!
wooohoo. today was superb man! met jerome at khatib and wanhao at yio chu kang. headed to city hall to meet shaun,glenden,albert and mengchao. met them at RC burger king,had breakfast there. trained to tanah merah. took bus number 2 to changi village! :D took ferry over to pulau ubin! wooohooo,the ride there was really damn cool! haha. once we got there,took a group photo! then it rained immediately! wth. so headed to some place for shelter! waited there for a hour! then headed to rent bicycles! woo. cycled aroud till some downhill part,mengchao flew off his bike! he got 7 cuts to both his legs! wah,super suay.then got this three policemen just nice partolling. haha. but they came without any first aid kit or something! haha. so no choice,mengchao had to bear with the pain! then had lunch,cycled to the quarry! woo,damn nice! halfway,got this auntie super nice,helped mengchao to stop the pain with some medicine! haha,mengchao was scared of it! aha! albert fell three times! saw two of his falls! got one he came down the slope,and overturn together with the bike! damn suay! hahaha. return the bike,washed up and headed to singapore! ate at changi village! freaking nice food! took 59 and bused to bishan! haha,1 hr 20 mins trip! everybody was practically falling asleep! didn't went for the soccer match! was too tired! hahaha. trained home from bishan after that. had super fun day! i wish i could explore every part of the island! :D there's poa remedial tomorrow. boreddddd. can't wait for wednesday trg! but after that got tution. and bestf leaving on wednesday for camp!):):): no more calls again! ): alright,very tired,going to sleep soon. blog tomorrow! :D
pictures time! (:


one of the best day of my life.
9:55 PM | Sunday, June 01, 2008
boring day at home!
stayed at home again today. looks like sunday are days for me to stay at home. was feeling very awake,so i couldn't go sleep. my cousin and auntie came over just now. haha. small little p2 cousin. haha. was entertained by pig the whole afternoon! haha. thank you! :D if not,i seriously won't know what to do for the whole day. pulau ubin tomorrow! haha,i want see wild boar! haha,cool. i can't wait for tomorrow's night soccer match between singapore and uzbekistan! hope it doesn't rain! the whole day don't rain! haha,very bored man. alright,i shalln't always have wordy posts! it's not good lah! haha. tomorrow should have pictures! (: haha. alright,blog tomorrow! :D
i never know it was so hard to say,
i am done with it,let nature takes it course i guess.